Reformer Pilates Elixir 2017.png

On my mission to try something new ever week, Gabby took me to yet another form of exercise – Reformer Pilates. I don’t know the ins and outs of what it really is meant to be, but it surely uses some spacey looking machines.

See picture – the picture is taken lying on our backs of the mirror on the ceiling.

We were a little late to class at Elixir, so we rushed into the gym room. Having never seen those machines it was quite an experience entering the room with 20 women on their backs doing Plies, sliding up and down on their backs on those movable platforms. I quickly picked up that you can adjust the weights with 5 springs at the bottom of the platform.

Over the 45 minutes session there was a wide variety of exercises – lying on your back, standing up and sliding legs backwards, lying and kneeling on top of a box, etc.. Additionally, to the legs exercises (see picture) where you slide up and down pushing like a frog, there are also strings at the top of the device for upper body exercises.

The session I did was a really good full body workout, including some stretching and fully adjustable weight/difficulty. Definitely going back again 🙂